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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Twilight Tracker Review - Is it worth paying for?

So being an iPhone lover means having a love of apps. This post has been a long time coming on Twi-Mobile.
Where to start? Have to start with the official stuff first right?

iPhone/iPod touch

Official Twilight App from Summit Entertainment

Official mobile page at
It's great that Eclipse has an official app but it's not free. Read on to see if it's worth the 99 cents.

By the way, to get the app you can't go to the Official Eclipse Movie mobile page from your iPhone. It's in Flash and iPhone doesn't support Flash. Funny huh? So you'll have to go to your App store and search for Twilight tracker instead.

You could download it on your desktop Mac or PC through the Official Eclipse Movie page to your iTunes and then sync it with your iPhone.

Here are some screenshots from my iPhone:


So far still no Eclipse cover
News Page
Usually quite up to date
Photo gallery
Photos contain their promotional stills

You can even add the stills as wallpaper right away


No more Youtube searches

I love how they are too PC to have Edward or Bella at the top.

They include everyone - small biography of each included


This is linked to the US store only and I couldn't get it to work from Canada. There were some goodies in here that I had forgotten about from iTunes.

Free podcast Rob Pattinson and Catherine Hardwicke
Download Rob's playlist from iTunes

Info provided by Twilight Lexicon

Lastly there is a Shouts area that I have not created a profile to participate in. If you have and would like to share your experience let me know.

Verdict? Worth it. Even just to have the official trailers on their from Summit itself. I'm a sucker for anything that even has the word Twilight in it so the 99 cent pricetag didn't stop me for a second.

Next up, an official Summit podcast that I somehow missed.

DreamySim1 and Walk With Mrs. P Join Twi-Mobile

Happy Mother's Day weekend to everyone. A quick note - my email has been changed to twimobile(at) from twicupcake(at)

I'm pleased to announce two more additions to the Twi-Mobile network. One of them should be assumed since DreamySim1 already has her own section in the iPhone archives.

 DreamySim1 has amazing wallpapers and since she has a Wordpress blog her site is mobile friendly already at

Walk with Mrs. P
We all know and love Mrs. P from Twibite. Walk with Mrs. P is technically not a Twilight blog but who cares? It is Mrs. P's rant blog and I love hearing that woman complain! I hope you'll follow her on your mobile site at

So go to their mobile sites and add their bookmarks to your homescreens. Of course they'll be added to the Twi-Mobile mobile site blogroll so you can just bookmark and they'll be on the list:
