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Monday, May 17, 2010

Letter to Twilight/Letters to Rob Join Twi-Mobile


Letters to Twilight and Letters to Rob have joined Twi-Mobile! Added to the Mobile Blogroll at

By the way, if you didn't know, Letters to Twilight has been picked along with Twifans and only two other twilight fansites to be at Stephenie Meyer's mini-junket before the Eclipse premiere. Awesome for them and you can read all about it from your mobile phone!

Remember to bookmark the mobile blogroll at on your mobile and find all the mobile friendly blogs from one spot.

A New Edward/Bella Twi-Mobile button by MissAmyJoon

Yeah to MissAmyJoon for making me one more button for Twi-Mobile. Copy and paste the code in the box into your sidebar widget. To get the right width either alter code or copy/paste with a link to into a Image widget.

I'll be adding it to all the other Badges here.

Thanks Amy!