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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mobile Sites ReVamped

Phew! I have almost finished converting the free mofuse blogs over to Mofuse Premium blogs.
Updated mobile links on sidebar.
New Twi-Mobile site at also updated.
About half the sites have also added a new feature where mobile devices are automatically redirected to the mobile site. Fancy huh?
IPad users please let me know if you are being redirected and if it's driving you crazy as the mobile blogs aren't iPad optimized.

Lastly, the sidebar lower half of members are those whose mobile sites aren't in proper order right now. I would never take you off since you have allowed me to badger you enough to be here. It's just a reminder to get stuff fixed and indeed email me for assistance at twicupcake(at)

For those wanting to join Twi-Mobile and don't have a mobile site yet they'll have these options.
- free - if you want to switch to another platform entirely convert to or self-hosted
- free - if you want to leave your desktop blog alone - - meant for web designers so basic knowledge of CSS important but don't you have a programmer friend :) Just me for help twicupcake(at)
- paid - for 3 bucks/month at with promo code three - feel free to fiddle with making your own site or email me to do it for you - it takes me about 10 minutes a site - helpful if I have a current blog banner and button for you

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