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Monday, May 10, 2010

New iPad Wallpapers for Twifans

So, two lucky people I know so far have an iPad for Mother's Day. Aw, how sweet! To make their new iPads extra Twilight pretty I sent them some presents.

Keep in mind that I made these very simple so they are usable behind the icon screens and not just the unlock screen.

Why's that important?

Some wallpapers look much better on Unlock screens 
Some wallpapers are NOT meant for icon screens

(remember to download the full size just click on them then press the download button)

For Alison from Twifans

I just didn't know which colour Alison would like the best

And for Mrs. P. from Twibite (who has been beta testing my wallpapers for me)

Didn't think you would all want a wallpaper with Mrs. P on it (not that you aren't lovely dear) so here are some more for the rest of you.

Edward in Chrome - shiny :)

flat indented words
embossed shiny words
Follow Me or Subscribe by Email to get more wallpaper updates.

Okay folks, hope these help make your iPads more beautiful without clutter. I'll be adding them to the iPad Wallpaper Archive in the top right sidebar.

I'll be making some more iPhone wallpapers too to add to the iPhone Wallpaper Archives.

Mofuse Blogs Back Online

Hey everyone,

Well all free mofuse blogs are back online now. This quirk had me worried that it might happen again while I'm away in Italy in June.

So being the type A person I made a Mofuse Premium blog where you can all redirect your mobile links just in case the free ones you all have go down.

If it ever happens again that you notice your mobile site doesn't work, then redirect to

Which looks like this

Your followers will be able to see a mobile version of your blog instead of getting a "file not found" message.

Any questions let me know.