Twi-Mobile has a new home on!

You should be automatically redirected in 6 seconds. If not, visit
and update your bookmarks.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Important Twi-Mobile Admin Note and Goes Mobile

Important Twi-Mobile admin note

Reminder that if your mofuse blog goes down please redirect to

That is my paid Mofuse blog and it will have the RSS feed for all Twi-Mobile members and will still work even if your mofuse blogs go under unexpected server maintenance.
My apologies to everyone who follows both my blogs as this is a partial cross post. This news was just too  important to not put both places.
By the way I changed my avatar here and on Twitter to my Bella and Edward figurines - I was a bit tired of looking at my own face. Click here for my post about them.

my new Avatar
Those of you who read fanfic and have been following my blog know that I've made it my mission in life to do everything from my iPhone. I've even gone to great lengths to try and get stories onto my iPhone and iPod touch and written tutorials for you guys as well.

Sunday was the release of the final chapter of Master of the Universe by Snowdragon Icequeens. It's Chapter 87 and this fic has finally finished after 8 months of wonderful reading bliss.

I was so happy when my email alert from came with this at the end

See the Mobile? Too exciting. It's about frickin time.

If you click on the mobile version this is how the story looks from my iPhone.

To jump chapters you can scroll to the bottom or press Menu at the top.

This even lets you Review, Add Story or Author as Favourite, and Follow Story or Author.

What happens if you go to a regular desktop URL? Nothing, as in there is no automatic detection and redirection for mobile devices.

But it's easy to get to the mobile version of any story.

Just replace the www with an m

Side tutorial - How do you do select and replace text on an iPhone?

First hold your finger down on the www part of the URL until you get the magnifying glass.

Then tap on Select, not Select All.

You should get a Cut/Copy/Paste box showing a highlighted www part. Don't click on any of those options.

Now just type m to replace the www and you'll get the correct URL. Then press Go at the bottom right and you're there.

So if you don't mind reading online this is the quickest way. If you have to read it offline then still follow the tutorial here.

By the way here are some iPhone wallpapers I made for myself this week.

You can find them and my other wallpapers at the iPhone Wallpaper Archive.

Lastly, notice my new buttons on the right sidebar for Twitter, RSS, email? Well there's a new button you may not recognize

It's for tumblr - my new microblog - I'll explain it next time. For now just go ahead and click on it to check it out. Don't forget to click the Archive button when you're there - the Archive gallery is so pretty!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

TwiPorn Library/Random Acts of Rob Join Twi-Mobile

Random Acts of Rob
I am super duper excited that Random Acts of Rob (RAOR) has decided to join Twi-Mobile. I've been following them since the first week I became a twilight fan a year ago and was introduced to fanfiction. They have the TwiPorn Library and it's seriously full of lemony goodness that you could get lost in forever. They are a mobile friendly Wordpress site but keep in mind stories they link to may not necessarily be mobile friendly on or but the summaries on RAOR are mobile so you can see what you get before you move on and click. Remember if you want to convert stories to be easily read as an ebook on your mobile see my sidebar post How to Read Fanfic On Your Mobile.

Desktop & Mobile:
RAOR Homepage
RAOR TwiPorn Library

Don't forget that you can add their specific bookmark to your phone but even if you don't they'll be a link to them from the Twi-Mobile mobile site at

Monday, May 24, 2010

StarLitViolets Joins Twi-Mobile

Violet Delights

Twi-Mobile welcomes StarLitViolets' blog Violet Delights. Every time I see her blog banner my mind goes right back to Kristen Stewart's voice in New Moon and I feel melancholy but happy. Sigh. Please check out her blog:


RobPattzNews Joins Twi-Mobile

Twi-Mobile welcomes RobPattzNews to its blogroll. I love their new Water for Elephants banner. Check them out at

If you know of any other blogs who would like me to make them a mobile site or want their mobile-friendliness added to Twi-Mobile's blogroll let me, Twilight Cupcake, know at twimobile (at) gmail (dot) com

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Pattinson Project Joins Twi-Mobile

The Pattinson Project
Twi-Mobile welcomes The Pattinson Project. I was super pleased that within a few minutes of twittering with them they had even slapped the Twi-Mobile button onto their sidebar. I love that it's under Awards & Honours because that's pretty much what Twi-Mobile is - a place to feel proud that you are mobile friendly and to stand along with other future forward sites.

Desktop & Mobile:

Saturday, May 22, 2010

808 Twilighters Joins Twi-Mobile

808 Twilighters

From the complete opposite climate of Forks rain forest in the Pacific Northwest we have the ladies of 808 Twilighters from sunny Hawaii.

Welcome to Twi-Mobile!

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Volturi Citizen Joins Twi-Mobile

The Volturi Citizen
Twi-Mobile welcomes The Volturi Citizen. Their name reminds me that I'll be in Volterra in a month. Ooh creepy. Go check out their sites at the links below. Love their banner.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Malicious Mandy's Mind Joins Twi-Mobile

Malicious Mandy's Mind

I am so happy to have our local set scouter Malicious Mandy here on Twi-Mobile. She is the go to girl if you want details on what's happening in town with Rob and the cast. The girl was inundated with questions over the weekend at the Twilight Convention in Vancouver where she helped the Twilight Lexicon panel answer questions about Vancouver.


Yeah for Mandy using the new Rob button from MissAmyJoon. He looks beautiful.

Official Summit Eclipse iPhone Wallpaper

Finally nice to see Summit release an official Bella iPhone background. They announced it through Twitter and you can find it here.

I'll add Bella to the iPhone Wallpaper Archives.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kristen and Jackson iPhone Wallpapers by DreamySim1

DreamySim1 has been busy on vacation in Paris but in the meantime she has posted these iJackson and iKStew wallpapers.

They aren't on her wordpress blog yet but they are in her tumblr - click the thumbnails to go to her twitpics or right click to download iPhone size.

Thanks DreamySim1!

Added to the iPhone Wallpaper Archive in the sidebar. Check it out for more great wallpapers

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dr. Cullen's Love Shack Joins Twi-Mobile

Dr. Cullen's Love Shack
I just about laughed my ass off when the lovely ladies over at Dr. Cullen's Love Shack emailed me today to become part of Twi-Mobile. That is an awesome blog name and especially after I just had brunch with Peter Facinelli over the weekend at Vancouver TwiTour it made me smile even more (yes, I'll be posting my convention review with brunch info over at my regular blog Twilight, Travel, and Treats tonight as well.)

Find their mobile site at and desktop site at

Adding them to the sidebar and Twi-Mobile list at

Monday, May 17, 2010

Letter to Twilight/Letters to Rob Join Twi-Mobile


Letters to Twilight and Letters to Rob have joined Twi-Mobile! Added to the Mobile Blogroll at

By the way, if you didn't know, Letters to Twilight has been picked along with Twifans and only two other twilight fansites to be at Stephenie Meyer's mini-junket before the Eclipse premiere. Awesome for them and you can read all about it from your mobile phone!

Remember to bookmark the mobile blogroll at on your mobile and find all the mobile friendly blogs from one spot.

A New Edward/Bella Twi-Mobile button by MissAmyJoon

Yeah to MissAmyJoon for making me one more button for Twi-Mobile. Copy and paste the code in the box into your sidebar widget. To get the right width either alter code or copy/paste with a link to into a Image widget.

I'll be adding it to all the other Badges here.

Thanks Amy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Twi-Mobile Buttons by MissAmyJoon

So MissAmyJoon made a new Rob Twi-Mobile button for her site and decided to share it with the rest of us. She also decided to be fair and make a Kristen one instead.

Aren't they pretty?

You can either just copy and paste image into sidebar with a link to and let Blogger adjust the width automatically.


Copy the code below the badge you want into your sidebar gadget HTML/Javascript - they're set for about 200px wide so change code as you need.

Twi-Mobile button

Feel free to use them and I'll be adding them to the Get Your Badge page as well.

Thanks Amy!

Monday, May 10, 2010

New iPad Wallpapers for Twifans

So, two lucky people I know so far have an iPad for Mother's Day. Aw, how sweet! To make their new iPads extra Twilight pretty I sent them some presents.

Keep in mind that I made these very simple so they are usable behind the icon screens and not just the unlock screen.

Why's that important?

Some wallpapers look much better on Unlock screens 
Some wallpapers are NOT meant for icon screens

(remember to download the full size just click on them then press the download button)

For Alison from Twifans

I just didn't know which colour Alison would like the best

And for Mrs. P. from Twibite (who has been beta testing my wallpapers for me)

Didn't think you would all want a wallpaper with Mrs. P on it (not that you aren't lovely dear) so here are some more for the rest of you.

Edward in Chrome - shiny :)

flat indented words
embossed shiny words
Follow Me or Subscribe by Email to get more wallpaper updates.

Okay folks, hope these help make your iPads more beautiful without clutter. I'll be adding them to the iPad Wallpaper Archive in the top right sidebar.

I'll be making some more iPhone wallpapers too to add to the iPhone Wallpaper Archives.

Mofuse Blogs Back Online

Hey everyone,

Well all free mofuse blogs are back online now. This quirk had me worried that it might happen again while I'm away in Italy in June.

So being the type A person I made a Mofuse Premium blog where you can all redirect your mobile links just in case the free ones you all have go down.

If it ever happens again that you notice your mobile site doesn't work, then redirect to

Which looks like this

Your followers will be able to see a mobile version of your blog instead of getting a "file not found" message.

Any questions let me know.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mofuse Server Maintenance

Hi everyone,

Well, I woke up to all the mofuse blogs being offline today. And, it's not just our Twi-Mobile blogs. Everyones free mofuse blogs aren't running today.

I blame myself since I spent hours yesterdays tweeting and emailing with David, the CEO of Mofuse. He was helping me figure out a bug I found on Mofuse for free. In the end to help me solve the issue he gave me a whole whack of mofuse premium blogs eg. no ads and all in all prettier blogs.

But I am assuming today that they are busy fixing the bugs that I mentioned to him. My bad.

So apologies to all who were hoping to stay in bed surfing their mobile Twilight blogs all day and ended up getting "file cannot be found" messages.

The Mofuse service is free and under no obligation to give us any warning when this happens.

If you want to transfer your mobile site to a premium site where this is much less likely to happen let me know. Granted I will have to be your admin for it since I'm the one with the free accounts (thanks to David) so you'd have to be okay with that. Otherwise it's about 7 bucks a month.

Or you can switch from blogger to Wordpress and then you'd have your own built in mobile version. MissAmyJoon, DreamySim1, and Thinking of Rob all are WP blogs and hence unaffected by today's outtage.

By the way, more iPad wallpapers to come and also a tribute to Hockeyward as well.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Twilight Tracker Review - Is it worth paying for?

So being an iPhone lover means having a love of apps. This post has been a long time coming on Twi-Mobile.
Where to start? Have to start with the official stuff first right?

iPhone/iPod touch

Official Twilight App from Summit Entertainment

Official mobile page at
It's great that Eclipse has an official app but it's not free. Read on to see if it's worth the 99 cents.

By the way, to get the app you can't go to the Official Eclipse Movie mobile page from your iPhone. It's in Flash and iPhone doesn't support Flash. Funny huh? So you'll have to go to your App store and search for Twilight tracker instead.

You could download it on your desktop Mac or PC through the Official Eclipse Movie page to your iTunes and then sync it with your iPhone.

Here are some screenshots from my iPhone:


So far still no Eclipse cover
News Page
Usually quite up to date
Photo gallery
Photos contain their promotional stills

You can even add the stills as wallpaper right away


No more Youtube searches

I love how they are too PC to have Edward or Bella at the top.

They include everyone - small biography of each included


This is linked to the US store only and I couldn't get it to work from Canada. There were some goodies in here that I had forgotten about from iTunes.

Free podcast Rob Pattinson and Catherine Hardwicke
Download Rob's playlist from iTunes

Info provided by Twilight Lexicon

Lastly there is a Shouts area that I have not created a profile to participate in. If you have and would like to share your experience let me know.

Verdict? Worth it. Even just to have the official trailers on their from Summit itself. I'm a sucker for anything that even has the word Twilight in it so the 99 cent pricetag didn't stop me for a second.

Next up, an official Summit podcast that I somehow missed.